
Fundamentals of Veterinary Classroom Teaching


$350 Enroll

Full course description

The course is delivered and completed entirely online at your own pace and should take 8–12 hours of total effort, depending on your familiarity with the material. Like most online courses, this course is organized into these topical modules:

(1) The teaching philosophy

(2) How people learn

(3) Learning outcomes/objectives

(4) Lecturing

(5) Fundamentals of assessment

(6) Assessment: Test construction and rubrics, and

(7) Using multiple choice questions.

Each module includes a quick start guide and a variable number of video segments, handouts, and quizzes. Participants will need to work through each segment of each module in sequence to proceed through the course. A few elective (or optional) modules are provided as well, which are open to view at any time based on your own interests. Quick-start guides are written summary documents that are designed as "take-away" handouts and include warm-up questions, key points, tables, references and supplemental information for use as a quick reference document. Content in this course is also presented in short, narrated video segments. Most segments are 8 to 15 minutes in length. During some video segments, the instructor references an activity or handout. These files should be easily found in the same module, with a clear, explanatory title and close in proximity to the segment in which the activity or handout is referenced. Short (2–5 question) quizzes follow each major section of a module. Quiz questions are based on the objectives or participant outcomes listed within videos and quick start guides. Participants have two attempts to answer the quiz questions and must answer 100% of the questions correctly to earn a certificate.